8 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Exercise

8 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Exercise

Thinking about exercising? You don’t have to be a born athlete or energizer bunny to get started. Exercise can be relatively inexpensive – all you need to get started is a shirt, shorts and a good pair of shoes, but the benefits of exercise are endless! Whether you want to walk, run, swim, join a Pilates, boxing or spin class, here are eight ways to motivate yourself to get you moving from couch to pavement or class in no time.


Know Your Why

If you don’t know why you want to start exercising, you are likely to quit before you ever reap the benefits. Whether you want to lose weight, run a race, reduce your stress or have some other reason in mind, exercise can have a positive effect on your physical and mental health and enhance your overall healthy lifestyle. Know your reason and remember it every time you put on your activewear.


Set a Goal

Now that you have established your “Why”, setting a goal will help you keep you motivated to exercise. A measurable goal that you can tack and be accountable for can get you where you want to be. Make your goal clear, well-defined and attainable within a specific time frame so you can celebrate your achievement once it’s met.


Have a Plan

If you are new to exercising, don’t make the mistake of going from zero to hero in a few weeks. Follow a training plan, one that provides you with a systematic approach. For example, one that has you move from walking to running in a safe and injury-free approach, or has you starting out a group fitness class choosing the modifications for easier approach to particular exercises, and moving through until you can perform the regular exercise without modification. Seeking out a personal trainer if you choose to workout in a gym, or utilizing Apps such as Couch to 5K or FitOn to help you motivate yourself to exercise by getting better with each workout.


Find a Friend

Most things are more enjoyable when you have someone to share them with. Activities such as walking (or running), tennis, and group fitness classes are always more fun with a friend, makes the time of the activity pass faster, and there’s always the post workout “high” of endorphins that you can share over a fresh juice, tea or latte.

Apps like ClassPass allow you to earn credit points when you refer a friend to participate in a group fitness class with you, and often running stores or your local gym have running clubs if outdoors is more your thing.


Explore Your Surroundings

While the your local gym or your living room floor might be good places to start your exercise journey, exploring outdoor surroundings or fitness studios in your local neighbourhood can add a whole new and exciting experience to your workout. Check with your city’s parks and recreation department and state parks for paved walking and bike trails, along with checking out fitness studios within your neighbourhood and surrounding suburbs, as most have a first class or trial period for free!


Exercise for a Cause

While running a race may not be one of your goals, signing up for a race or a group fitness class that is supporting a cause is a great way to connect with like-minded people in the community and with those who care about causes that are important to you. A lot of group fitness classes will do charity events/classes throughout the year to support various causes, choosing an organization that speaks to you and your heart might be one of the most motivating reasons to participate.


Create a Playlist

Listening to music while exercising has been found to increase a sense of motivation and boost your exercise intensity. Create a playlist from your own music library, or if you’re planning on a long walk, find a podcast with a certain length to take your mind off the time. There are many Apps and streaming services that can create a playlist for you based on your music genre of choice to help keep you connected and motivated through your workout.


You’re Worth It

The most motivating reason to get started with exercise is simply that you are worth it. Exercise can boost your self-confidence and, with each step forward, workout or group fitness class taken, you’ll experience physical, mental and emotional benefits that lead to a healthier and happier life and lifestyle.